Tuesday, May 19, 2020

2020 Basement redo

So I had a head full of ideas for a basement redo. With so much space in the basement why not make the most of it? The kiddos are older now and don’t come around as much so let’s entice them with a cool place to hang out.....1st grand baby for Mike was here and we spend a lot of time with her since he watches her while his daughter works. But we also want the kiddos to visit!!! I knew I would be working from home one or two days a week by the middle or end of summer 🤗🤗🤗 got the boyfriends approval and we had a bit so was worked on the details in my head. 

So my phase 1 plan for the basement 

1. Office for two - Mike has a desk but it’s against a concrete wall 😕 so an office would be nice

2. A bar with a mini fridge and little entry into the basement

3. Paisley and under stair play area

Here is the before of the office area which is to the right when you walk into the basement area

This is the before of where you walk into the basement and I imagined an entry area and bar...wanted to disguise that pole too.
Below is where the bar would be built...
And this my friends will be where I build Paisleys playhouse....

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